Protect clark and stanle / Analysis

By monkeymadman007
08/12/2009 - 16:25:36

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.23 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Being big clark and stanley fans, you accepted there proposal for you to chapperone them for a day so they don't die. Don't fail them captian!
Win message:
Finally, you helped clark ans stanley surive a day. The got ran over by a bus the next day, but that's not the point, you win!
Lose message:
Oh no, you failed clark and stanley, and now there dead... again.
ACT 1 :   Don't let clark and stanlye die!
Knowing clark and stanleys' luck, there in deep trouble, but you can't let them die!
ACT 2 :   Go to the market
This seems easy, what could go wrong?
What just happened?
ACT 4 :   Clark and stanleys house
Visit clark and stanleys house and find the threating letters.
Help clark and stanley escape from a boulder. You need to buy 1 miinute to gather enough strength to destroy it
ACT 6 :   Stupidity kicks in
Clark and stanley + explosives doesn't sound like a good idea, find a way to stop them!
ACT 7 :   The stalker revealed!
Why, why did he try to kill clark and stanley, WHY
ACT 8 :   The final battle
Protect clark and stanley and kill barbaros!
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