Battle of good and evil / Analysis

By monkeymadman007
08/05/2009 - 19:06:51

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Barbaros, your friend called you over to do something about a "'Barrier"' time to ivestigate, captain
Win message:
Yes! That'll teach those people to mess with us!
Lose message:
Oh no, the evil side prevailed, this is a disaster! But thanks to time travelers, you can try again!
ACT 1 :   The briefing
Learn more about why you have been called hear.
ACT 2 :   Big, bad wolves
Fend off rabid wolves
ACT 3 :   Spoffits gone bad
Can you defeat the walkers of the night?
ACT 4 :   Onslaught continues
Fight off even more fiendish creatures!
I never thought the grox would be here, this is serious!
ACT 6 :   It's just getting started
I hope your crew is still alive because it's gonna get harder
ACT 7 :   Robots!
Your so close! Just finsih off these robots!
ACT 8 :   The last stand
Finish off these big guys and the evil side will be in tears.
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