Evil in the Darkness / Analysis

By EaglesFanRick
08/05/2009 - 19:02:42

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
Monsters and Demons the undead and Evil old wizard's arent enough to stop you!
Lose message:
Dont you hate it when that happens? Your not giving up so soon... Right?
ACT 1 :   Talk to the mayor.
The Mayor want's to speak to you.
ACT 2 :   Protect the town
Evil force's? The undead? Thing's that go bump in the night? Nothing you can't handle right?
ACT 3 :   Journey to the wizard's domain.
That was no trouble at all right? Now begin your journey through the dark reaches of the shadow's and confront the evil wizard.... Good luck with that... (Follow dirt road)
ACT 4 :   Talk the wizard into releasing t
Trying to talk sense into an evil wizard is harder than one would think....
ACT 5 :   Kill the wizard's pet.
Look's like the wizard pet fancie's having you for lunch.
ACT 6 :   Defend yourself!
It doesnt look like the wizard is taking this well... Destroy the wizard and head back to town.
ACT 7 :   Head back to town.
That wizard sure was a friendly soul. Head back to town. Unless you would prefer staying here.
ACT 8 :   Talk to the mayor.
Defeat that creature . And then head back into town... if you survive...
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