Teleport Madness 2 (Atlantis) / Analysis
By nuninho
08/05/2009 - 00:57:34
Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.46 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Hello Captain. Talk to Robby for instructions.
Hello Captain. Talk to Robby for instructions.
Win message:
Congratulations! You've won Teleport Madness 2!
Congratulations! You've won Teleport Madness 2!
Lose message:
Damn... Wrong Portal... Better not take that one next time...
Damn... Wrong Portal... Better not take that one next time...
ACT 1 : Welcome
Talk to Robby
Talk to Robby
ACT 2 : Go into the white building.
Move into the white building until you reach the water.
Move into the white building until you reach the water.
ACT 3 : The lost city of Atlantis
Take your time to look around the city. When you're finished talk to Robby to enter Teleport Madness 2.
Take your time to look around the city. When you're finished talk to Robby to enter Teleport Madness 2.
ACT 4 : Teleport Madness 2
ACT 5 : Teleport Madness 2
Find the way out of the Maze!
Find the way out of the Maze!
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