BW - Children Of The Leaf / Analysis

By DaniAngione
08/04/2009 - 04:23:58
Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome, Captain. this is Ghajunga, a planet destroyed by the Trarrask. The Paladin banished them from this system and now the planet is being revitalized, help in the best way you can.
Welcome, Captain. this is Ghajunga, a planet destroyed by the Trarrask. The Paladin banished them from this system and now the planet is being revitalized, help in the best way you can.
Win message:
You helped the revitalization of the planet and helped the Dadum unify themselves. You will always be remembered as hero of the Dadum species and friend of the Treelurker-Paladin Alliance.
You helped the revitalization of the planet and helped the Dadum unify themselves. You will always be remembered as hero of the Dadum species and friend of the Treelurker-Paladin Alliance.
Lose message:
Something went bad... The Planet revitalization was aborted and the Dadum left to their fate, your lack of experience killed and entire civilization. Keep trying! TYVM for playing!
Something went bad... The Planet revitalization was aborted and the Dadum left to their fate, your lack of experience killed and entire civilization. Keep trying! TYVM for playing!
ACT 1 : Meaning of Life
Speak to the Elder and walk around the camp, you feel like you could learn something from this people.
Speak to the Elder and walk around the camp, you feel like you could learn something from this people.
ACT 2 : The Captain and the Thief
You need to find Captain Babajinda to find clues about the theft. Follow the river, past guardian Zchir, and look for him on the town.
You need to find Captain Babajinda to find clues about the theft. Follow the river, past guardian Zchir, and look for him on the town.
ACT 3 : Bringer of Life
You found the Thief! He spoke about another dangerous activities and he is angry! Kill him and report back to the Chief Enginner!
You found the Thief! He spoke about another dangerous activities and he is angry! Kill him and report back to the Chief Enginner!
ACT 4 : Seeds of Peace
The traitor was exposed but who is CB? Take the seeds to a good spot and then speak to the Geneticist near Guardian Thazul after the deed is done.
The traitor was exposed but who is CB? Take the seeds to a good spot and then speak to the Geneticist near Guardian Thazul after the deed is done.
ACT 5 : Egg Runner
Take the eggs to the nest. After finished come back to the Elder so you can leave the planet.
Take the eggs to the nest. After finished come back to the Elder so you can leave the planet.
ACT 6 : Evil Among Us
Someone is trying to disrupt the peace of the Dadum people! Find the village chief and escort him to the Monolith! Follow the passage that Thazul is guarding.
Someone is trying to disrupt the peace of the Dadum people! Find the village chief and escort him to the Monolith! Follow the passage that Thazul is guarding.
ACT 7 : The Meeting
Babajinda was the CB character and paid with his life. Now unify this planet !
Babajinda was the CB character and paid with his life. Now unify this planet !
ACT 8 : A Noble Farewell
Your work is done, the Dadum planet is revitalized and the Treelurker can leave now. The Balance War isn't not even close to be over but at least you helped an entire civilization.
Your work is done, the Dadum planet is revitalized and the Treelurker can leave now. The Balance War isn't not even close to be over but at least you helped an entire civilization.
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