Basic info
Intro message:
Lets start our exploring
Lets start our exploring
Win message:
Didn't get to look around much but did help out a ancient tribe from war and death
Didn't get to look around much but did help out a ancient tribe from war and death
Lose message:
Awww.....Try again
Awww.....Try again
ACT 1 : Interacting
Looks like a tribe over there, lets see if they are friendly
Looks like a tribe over there, lets see if they are friendly
ACT 2 : Fish!
Finding a spot to build a fishing hut
Finding a spot to build a fishing hut
ACT 3 : Taste test time
See if the chief likes fish
See if the chief likes fish
ACT 4 : Other Tribe
Time to check out that other tribes place, maybe they might need help too
Time to check out that other tribes place, maybe they might need help too
ACT 5 : Done!
All finished here, lets go
All finished here, lets go
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