Zephia V / Analysis

By MewMewPower
08/01/2009 - 15:38:14

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.97 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Lets start our exploring
Win message:
Didn't get to look around much but did help out a ancient tribe from war and death
Lose message:
Awww.....Try again
ACT 1 :   Interacting
Looks like a tribe over there, lets see if they are friendly
ACT 2 :   Fish!
Finding a spot to build a fishing hut
ACT 3 :   Taste test time
See if the chief likes fish
ACT 4 :   Other Tribe
Time to check out that other tribes place, maybe they might need help too
ACT 5 :   Done!
All finished here, lets go
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