Basic info
Intro message:
Well, glad to see you ran over here, get on the barge, it will take you as close as it can to the meteor.
Well, glad to see you ran over here, get on the barge, it will take you as close as it can to the meteor.
Win message:
Good job, onto killing that blasted Pyronian President before he starts an Inter-Planetary Armegeddon.....
Good job, onto killing that blasted Pyronian President before he starts an Inter-Planetary Armegeddon.....
Lose message:
Oh no! Now the Hunter species is more evolved than the last! Try again.....
Oh no! Now the Hunter species is more evolved than the last! Try again.....
ACT 1 : Standard Operational Procedure
Pick up the Radio and start up the Barge
Pick up the Radio and start up the Barge
ACT 2 : Meteor
The Barge can't manuever into those deltas, you'll have to hoof it to the Island
The Barge can't manuever into those deltas, you'll have to hoof it to the Island
ACT 3 : Ambush!!!
Kill the attacking Hunters
Kill the attacking Hunters
ACT 4 : Retrieval
Report back to the dock
Report back to the dock
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