Patrol / Analysis

By lombax41
08/01/2009 - 00:47:14

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Well, glad to see you ran over here, get on the barge, it will take you as close as it can to the meteor.
Win message:
Good job, onto killing that blasted Pyronian President before he starts an Inter-Planetary Armegeddon.....
Lose message:
Oh no! Now the Hunter species is more evolved than the last! Try again.....
ACT 1 :   Standard Operational Procedure
Pick up the Radio and start up the Barge
ACT 2 :   Meteor
The Barge can't manuever into those deltas, you'll have to hoof it to the Island
ACT 3 :   Ambush!!!
Kill the attacking Hunters
ACT 4 :   Retrieval
Report back to the dock
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