Nolatian Exodusian War Chapter 5 / Analysis

By Nolat885
07/31/2009 - 01:35:35

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
This is it! After winning several decisive vicotories, the Nolatian Empire has pushed the Exodusians back to the Capital world of Firma. Get your mission from the terminal, and get going!
Win message:
You are safe back in your ship, but that levithan of a ship, what was that? And worse, imagine the thousands of aleins that died just to LOSE this battle!
Lose message:
As your body dies in the mud, so dies the tide of battle, the Exodusians quickly overcoming their adversries.
ACT 1 :   
Get your mission from the terminal, then carry out it's orders!
ACT 2 :   
Your missions will now be relayed directly to you. The the East, there are Exodusian Barraks, destroy them!
ACT 3 :   
God job. Now we need you to kill 3 of those pesky Exodusian soldiers,as well as those meddelsome Gauss turrets!
ACT 4 :   
Be careful now, the enemy landing strip is across the battle feild! Take it down!
ACT 5 :   
Great. Our scanners show theres an enemy camp behind the air feild. The general leading this attack should be there. You know what to do.
ACT 6 :   
What was that! OMYGOD! LOOK UP!
ACT 7 :   
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