Military Training (Basic) / Analysis

By WLChan
07/30/2009 - 12:41:38
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
On behalf of your empire, you are invited to be a observer and visit a military training.你代表你的帝國作為軍事觀察員, 參加聯合軍事演習.
On behalf of your empire, you are invited to be a observer and visit a military training.你代表你的帝國作為軍事觀察員, 參加聯合軍事演習.
Win message:
Enjoy the trainings?
Enjoy the trainings?
Lose message:
You lose...... and you will lost your life in real war!
You lose...... and you will lost your life in real war!
ACT 1 : Report to Commandant
Report to Commandant!向司令官報到!
Report to Commandant!向司令官報到!
ACT 2 : look around
After look around the base, report to trainer.可以隨便參觀基地, 然後向長官報到, 開始訓練!
After look around the base, report to trainer.可以隨便參觀基地, 然後向長官報到, 開始訓練!
ACT 3 : speed training
Pick up all gun in the mine farm!Hurry up!在地雷陣執槍......?!!!
Pick up all gun in the mine farm!Hurry up!在地雷陣執槍......?!!!
ACT 4 : Combat Training
Combat Training, FIGHT!!!!格鬥訓練, 戰吧!
Combat Training, FIGHT!!!!格鬥訓練, 戰吧!
ACT 5 : Shooting!
After complete the combat, report to next trainer ASAP! Pick up your wespon and fire!馬上向另一位士官報告! 開始射擊訓練!
After complete the combat, report to next trainer ASAP! Pick up your wespon and fire!馬上向另一位士官報告! 開始射擊訓練!
ACT 6 : ......?!
WHAT HAPPEN?! Report to commandant now!警報?! 緊急集合! 馬上向司令報告!
WHAT HAPPEN?! Report to commandant now!警報?! 緊急集合! 馬上向司令報告!
ACT 7 :
Reinforcements are coming soon! But now we must save the villagers before they are catched to spaceship! 增援部隊隨後趕到, 但我們要盡快在居民被送上太空船之前, 拯救他們!
Reinforcements are coming soon! But now we must save the villagers before they are catched to spaceship! 增援部隊隨後趕到, 但我們要盡快在居民被送上太空船之前, 拯救他們!
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