Clark and Stanley Can Fly! / Analysis

By EStraight
07/29/2009 - 22:41:18
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 1.15 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Your sensors are indicating that Clark and Stanley need your assistanse again. Go see what they're up to this time.
Your sensors are indicating that Clark and Stanley need your assistanse again. Go see what they're up to this time.
Win message:
Well, That turned out less then WRIGHT. Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Ohhhhhh... My puns stink. O.o
Well, That turned out less then WRIGHT. Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Ohhhhhh... My puns stink. O.o
Lose message:
Well, I guess you can't see Clark and Stanley Fly. So Sad.
Well, I guess you can't see Clark and Stanley Fly. So Sad.
ACT 1 : .....A Plane?!
The two are... are... Flying a plane! That's great! Its awsome to fly one! But, It looks a little small...
The two are... are... Flying a plane! That's great! Its awsome to fly one! But, It looks a little small...
ACT 2 : Nice, but Small...
Its a nice plane and all, but it seemes WAY to small! How are they going to fit?
Its a nice plane and all, but it seemes WAY to small! How are they going to fit?
ACT 3 : Time to Fly!
Well, Its time to fly! But How? Uhhhh, I would get away!
Well, Its time to fly! But How? Uhhhh, I would get away!
ACT 4 : Oh No!
Poor Clark and Stanley!
Poor Clark and Stanley!
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