Clark and Stanley Can Fly! / Analysis

By EStraight
07/29/2009 - 22:41:18

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 1.15 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Your sensors are indicating that Clark and Stanley need your assistanse again. Go see what they're up to this time.
Win message:
Well, That turned out less then WRIGHT. Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Ohhhhhh... My puns stink. O.o
Lose message:
Well, I guess you can't see Clark and Stanley Fly. So Sad.
ACT 1 :   .....A Plane?!
The two are... are... Flying a plane! That's great! Its awsome to fly one! But, It looks a little small...
ACT 2 :   Nice, but Small...
Its a nice plane and all, but it seemes WAY to small! How are they going to fit?
ACT 3 :   Time to Fly!
Well, Its time to fly! But How? Uhhhh, I would get away!
ACT 4 :   Oh No!
Poor Clark and Stanley!
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