Power up the Tardis / Analysis

By Jammy0002
07/28/2009 - 16:39:18

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.16 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been lead to this planet because of the presence of the Tardis, this is where the Doctor must be.
Win message:
Congratulations! You have destroyed the Daleks and saved the city.
Lose message:
You fail at life.
ACT 1 :   
Talk to the King.
ACT 2 :   
Investigate what landed.
ACT 3 :   
It's a Dalek Space Ship! Warn the King!
ACT 4 :   
Visit the Tardis and talk to the Doctor.
ACT 5 :   
Nobody home, break the bad news to the King.
ACT 6 :   
The Daleks are attacking! Quickly get the crystals!
ACT 7 :   
Defend the King as he takes the crystals to the Tardis
ACT 8 :   
The Daleks are dead! Celebrate your victory.
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