Attack of Dr Flyswatter / Analysis

By orespay123
07/25/2009 - 22:43:01
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 1.07 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
The civilians (Those who are living) are angry at Dr.Flyswatter, a mad scientist, and his army of giant flies.
The civilians (Those who are living) are angry at Dr.Flyswatter, a mad scientist, and his army of giant flies.
Win message:
Amazing! You've destroyed Dr.Flyswatter, his army, and his lab! You never be forgoton.
Amazing! You've destroyed Dr.Flyswatter, his army, and his lab! You never be forgoton.
Lose message:
It seems Dr.Flyswatter has beaten you. Another in the linr of those deafeted by him.
It seems Dr.Flyswatter has beaten you. Another in the linr of those deafeted by him.
ACT 1 : Destroy the Flies!
Help the angry armed civilians destroy Dr. Flyswatter and his minions.
Help the angry armed civilians destroy Dr. Flyswatter and his minions.
ACT 2 : Go into the lab and Lab Rat.
ACT 3 : Destroy the Elixir! Quick!
ACT 4 : Youv'e done it!
Youve destoyed the elixir and saved the city!
Youve destoyed the elixir and saved the city!
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