Pollution, INC / Analysis

By LukeTheAlmighty
07/24/2009 - 03:28:02

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've landed on the planet to respond to a distress signal you've received. Find out what's wrong!
Win message:
You've saved the planet from the poluted water! ... Isn't that great?
Lose message:
Hm. This is dissappointing. This planet will most likely result in a constant decline until its doom.
ACT 1 :   The Target
That large purple beast is probably the cause of all the havoc. Go slay it and hurry out of here!
ACT 2 :   Expect the Unexpected
Well, that was certainly interesting! Hm, maybe that wasn't it after all. Go talk to someone else around here, maybe they know why you got a distress signal.
ACT 3 :   Ghost Town
This is rather unsettling... Talk to the few villagers in the area to find out what's going on!
ACT 4 :   Mutation
All the villagers have turned into monsters! Quickly dispose of them and find out if there are any remaining villagers in the town.
ACT 5 :   Higher Power
There seems to be no one left... This is quite the calamity! Well the cheif seems to have locked his house, maybe he's not even in the town. Keep looking!
ACT 6 :   Pollution INC.
There must be some way to stop the factory! Find the CEO of the company to keep them from dumping any more pollutants into the lake!
ACT 7 :   Polluted Death
The CEO won't listen to any reason! His greed has gotten the best of him. Take him down, its' the only way!
ACT 8 :   
You've taken down the beast! Talk to the chief of the town for some praise, then head back toward where you entered. There's another transporting plant waiting for you.
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