Spongebob Does Karate / Analysis

By Pyjamaman
07/22/2009 - 12:51:39

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1.25 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   Go to work
Thats strange? Patrick isn't waiting infront of your house for some reason. oh well, time to go to work
ACT 2 :   Go visit Sandy
That was very out of character for Mr Krabs. Well theres no point wasting a day off. Perhaps you sould visit sandy.
ACT 3 :   Fight Sandy
Sandy has chalenged you to a fight. You must beat her and prove that sea critters are better than mouth breathers
ACT 4 :   Talk to the Doctor
Sandy looks realy injured. talk to the doctor to see how she is.
ACT 5 :   Get the reviving stick
due to budget cuts this hospital has been forced to sell it's Defiburators and invest in reviving sticks. theres one down stairs in the MRI room
ACT 6 :   Talk to the doctor
Time to see if the reviving stick worked
ACT 7 :   Repayment
Spongebob doesent have health insureance so he must pay off his bill by wokring off for the hospital. the freezers in the mourge have stopped working. you must turn it back on.
ACT 8 :   Buruing your pain
Sandy's dead! it's time to go to Weinie Hut Jr's to wallow in self pitty and a bucket of ice cream
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