Clark and stanley go R-C racing / Analysis

By sishon
07/21/2009 - 14:07:54
Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: 0.78 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Ok after all the Clark and Stanley missions i have played and saw i found them to be funny and fun so i decided to make one sorry if its not as good as the others.
Ok after all the Clark and Stanley missions i have played and saw i found them to be funny and fun so i decided to make one sorry if its not as good as the others.
Win message:
Well thats od they just blew up for no apparent reason oh well poor Clark and Stanley and also can i add why must you always do a chessy dance when these guys die?
Well thats od they just blew up for no apparent reason oh well poor Clark and Stanley and also can i add why must you always do a chessy dance when these guys die?
Lose message:
Ok if you are dead you must have done a glich in order to see this writing i always hated glichers.
Ok if you are dead you must have done a glich in order to see this writing i always hated glichers.
ACT 1 : Go talk to Stanley
Once again the bufoons Clark and Stanley are going to do somthing stupid that will lead to their deaths ask Stanley what deranged idea they have now.
Once again the bufoons Clark and Stanley are going to do somthing stupid that will lead to their deaths ask Stanley what deranged idea they have now.
ACT 2 : Go talk to Clark
Well as in every Clark and Stanley episode you have to talk to both of them.
Well as in every Clark and Stanley episode you have to talk to both of them.
ACT 3 : Looks like there of
Od there still alive go check there pulse and see if there alive?
Od there still alive go check there pulse and see if there alive?
ACT 4 : Hmmm?
There alive od?
There alive od?
ACT 5 : Wait for it...
Move back to that tree for saftey
Move back to that tree for saftey
ACT 6 : And their down!
To bad for Clark and stanley.
To bad for Clark and stanley.
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