Ghosts of Qarelia / Analysis
By zachd94
07/20/2009 - 18:09:35
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Basic info
Win message:
Is it just me, or did you get no reward for that?
Is it just me, or did you get no reward for that?
Lose message:
No!!! They are doomed to die now!
No!!! They are doomed to die now!
ACT 1 : The First Steps.
Welcome to Qai Sahar. Head down to the tiny village and see what's going on.
Welcome to Qai Sahar. Head down to the tiny village and see what's going on.
ACT 2 : Bone Shades, Circle of Blades.
So Qarelia had a pet? Maybe finding it will bring Qaro out of his stupor.
So Qarelia had a pet? Maybe finding it will bring Qaro out of his stupor.
ACT 3 : How long has it been...
Maybe Qaria has some more info on the situation.
Maybe Qaria has some more info on the situation.
ACT 4 : Return to the Bone Maze.
This has GOT to lift Qaro's spirits..
This has GOT to lift Qaro's spirits..
ACT 5 : The Plan.
This is just crazy enough to work..
This is just crazy enough to work..
ACT 6 : Gathering Supplies.
You'll need to bring Qaro the things he needs for the rain dance.
You'll need to bring Qaro the things he needs for the rain dance.
ACT 7 : Rainmaker.
Alright, now take your place in the raindance by running around the ceremonial stone for about a minute....trust me.
Alright, now take your place in the raindance by running around the ceremonial stone for about a minute....trust me.
You did it! The rain pours over the baked earth!
You did it! The rain pours over the baked earth!
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