Star Wars Gungan Wars! / Analysis

By nealzab
07/19/2009 - 21:33:51

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Help the gungans and destroy droids while protecting the chairman of naboo
Win message:
The droids are destroyed good job general!
Lose message:
All of yousa army is all dead!
ACT 1 :   Act 1 Battle On Edge
Fight your way through the droids!
ACT 2 :   Act 2 Droid Ambush
There getting through destroy them quickly before they reach camp!
ACT 3 :   Act 3 Boss Nas and Chairman!
Protect them untill the clones get here!
ACT 4 :   Act 4 Bringing to boss nas
Bring boss nas back a blaster that was dropped from a nearby battle droid!
ACT 5 :   Act 5 The War Is Now Over
Great its all over go speak to the chairman.
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