Crazycreature the game! (kill) / Analysis

By wulibicus
07/17/2009 - 06:39:44

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Crazycreature the game! Whether or not you chose to use the Crazicus supplied to you, you have been put in the spot of Crazycreature on a planet covered in his own creations. GL!
Win message:
Hooray! You've really earned that trophy I made for crazy a couple months ago.
Lose message:
psshht, couldn't kill a couple creatures even though I gave you a powerful creature to use to kill them? LAME! Try again, but TRY this time!
ACT 1 :   The First Encounter
You see some of your first ever creations... Good You, they're horrible! Destroy them so that you don't have to look at them any more.
ACT 2 :   So many little tiny evil things!
all of those weak evil things you've made have come back to haunt you. HAHA! N00B!
ACT 3 :   wowthat'stough
but that doesn't matter! just blast him from afar, and hope he doesn't get to you!
wow! who made this? a creature against some vehicles? the vehicles are gonna get pwned!
ACT 5 :   out w/ old in w/ new
now fight the more recent creations of crazy creature! FINAL LEVEL!!!
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