Once Holy / Análisis

Por MewMewPower
12/07/2009 - 05:28:56
Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 1.67 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Lets find out why this planet is covered in darkness
Lets find out why this planet is covered in darkness
Mensaje de victoria:
As you take off you see the planet turn back to normal =D
As you take off you see the planet turn back to normal =D
Mensaje de fracaso:
You and the town people become Zombies.....
You and the town people become Zombies.....
ACTO 1 : Searching....
Lets have a look for any lifesigns
Lets have a look for any lifesigns
ACTO 2 : Asking whats happened
I think i saw someone near the church lets ask them whats happened
I think i saw someone near the church lets ask them whats happened
ACTO 3 : Stepping in the darkness....
Ok where would a big Shadow monster hide...
Ok where would a big Shadow monster hide...
ACTO 4 : Kill it!
Look theres the Shadow monster
Look theres the Shadow monster
ACTO 5 : Returning....
Lets go back to the Priest to give him these crystals
Lets go back to the Priest to give him these crystals
ACTO 6 : Hold them off!
ACTO 7 : Peace once more....
Everything looks like its turning back to normal
Everything looks like its turning back to normal
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