wupa force / Analysis

By piesalaville
07/11/2009 - 19:28:58
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
your friend is prisoner of wupas save him.
your friend is prisoner of wupas save him.
Win message:
whoa you did it wupas are so poor now that they arnt really a danger any more and friends planet is saved. good work
whoa you did it wupas are so poor now that they arnt really a danger any more and friends planet is saved. good work
Lose message:
you lose i think you try again
you lose i think you try again
ACT 1 :
that ufo may give you the spot where the prisoner is
that ufo may give you the spot where the prisoner is
ACT 2 :
now you must save the prisoner from hands of wupas
now you must save the prisoner from hands of wupas
ACT 3 :
go to end of the canyon maybe that the treasure is there
go to end of the canyon maybe that the treasure is there
ACT 4 :
treasure isn't here but it seems that wupas protect something destroy boxes and find out what
treasure isn't here but it seems that wupas protect something destroy boxes and find out what
ACT 5 :
the cannon is ardealy built destroy the generator to stop its work HURRY OR THE PLANET OF YOUR FRIEND WILL BLOW UP.
the cannon is ardealy built destroy the generator to stop its work HURRY OR THE PLANET OF YOUR FRIEND WILL BLOW UP.
ACT 6 :
you destroyed it you must now kill every scientisc and the turret so they cannot do it again
you destroyed it you must now kill every scientisc and the turret so they cannot do it again
ACT 7 :
you did it. you must collect treasures.
you did it. you must collect treasures.
ACT 8 :
good. now head to your space ship
good. now head to your space ship
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