Lusverian War Chapter 1 / Analysis

By bitar_power
07/11/2009 - 15:44:46

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The conflict comes to an end the Tibrarins are ready to win the planet to the Letors.
Win message:
You have won the battle but not the war.. Continue on Chapter 2 : The Burnaps
Lose message:
Too bad.. the Letors can't win this battle!!
ACT 1 :   Beginning
Talk to the Tibrarin Leader for instructions.
ACT 2 :   To the war!!!
Prepare to launch an attack agains the Letors
ACT 3 :   Attack!!!
The battle has begun!!!
ACT 4 :   Ending the battle
Kill the Letor's leader.
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