Excalibur / Analysis

By Platipenguin
07/09/2009 - 23:27:08

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Camelot!
Win message:
Hooray, you helped King Arthur beat the French and now the English will rule Europe, HAHAHAHAHA!
Lose message:
What have you done?! Now the French will rule Europe! AAGHH!!!
ACT 1 :   King Arthur
Thou must talketh to King Arthur to learn of thine quest!
ACT 2 :   The golden tower
Thou must traveleth to yonder golden tower to find the sword excalibur!
ACT 3 :   Excalibur
Thou has found thine quest object, now thou must bringeth it back to thine king!
ACT 4 :   Attack!
Though hath retreived thine quest item but now though must win the battle for thine king!
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