Mood of Melora / Analysis
By Nethellus
07/09/2009 - 00:37:55
Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.47 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Bulbous Pearl: A small strangely named planet in the outer rim...
Bulbous Pearl: A small strangely named planet in the outer rim...
Win message:
As you feel the energy of transporter beam envelop you, you suddenly realize that Melora never paid you!
As you feel the energy of transporter beam envelop you, you suddenly realize that Melora never paid you!
Lose message:
You can't just go around dying all the time, please think of the worm-babies.
You can't just go around dying all the time, please think of the worm-babies.
ACT 1 : Legendary Great Artist Melora
Bulbous Pearl: A small strangely named planet in the outer rim. You've come here answering what appeared to be a distress call, but if there's any distress going on here you don't see it.
Bulbous Pearl: A small strangely named planet in the outer rim. You've come here answering what appeared to be a distress call, but if there's any distress going on here you don't see it.
ACT 2 : Enter the Hunt
That was... informative. Apparently you will at least get paid for doing whatever it is you are supposed to be doing.
That was... informative. Apparently you will at least get paid for doing whatever it is you are supposed to be doing.
ACT 3 : Dark Waters
The teleporter dropped you in the middle of the ocean! You should find a way back up to Melora.
The teleporter dropped you in the middle of the ocean! You should find a way back up to Melora.
ACT 4 : Happy Thoughts
You've paid for your passage on the transport. You should go and try to straighten this thing with Melora.
You've paid for your passage on the transport. You should go and try to straighten this thing with Melora.
ACT 5 : Inspiration Desperation
You're supposed to find... inspiration...? The teleporters should be working now at least. Hopefully.
You're supposed to find... inspiration...? The teleporters should be working now at least. Hopefully.
ACT 6 : Anglor Arrt
You've gotten the "'Arrt"' in exchange for the pearl. Now you should bring this thing to Melora. Maybe she will find her inspiration.
You've gotten the "'Arrt"' in exchange for the pearl. Now you should bring this thing to Melora. Maybe she will find her inspiration.
ACT 7 : Filthy Native Swine Thief
... Yeah.You might need some help with this. Maybe that broken gate has been fixed.
... Yeah.You might need some help with this. Maybe that broken gate has been fixed.
ACT 8 : Mood of Melora
So that's it? I should take a look at this sculpture last thing before I leave. It is after all what all of my troubles have wrought.
So that's it? I should take a look at this sculpture last thing before I leave. It is after all what all of my troubles have wrought.
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