Star Mining / Analysis

By BadWolf134
07/08/2009 - 19:40:32
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -0.12 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You must collect a core sample to activate the turret.
You must collect a core sample to activate the turret.
Win message:
Congrats conrad!
Congrats conrad!
Lose message:
What a pity... its a shame really...
What a pity... its a shame really...
ACT 1 :
Use the teleporter to get the key so you can talk to Zor.
Use the teleporter to get the key so you can talk to Zor.
ACT 2 :
Now use the teleporters near the factory to go into the underground core extractor.
Now use the teleporters near the factory to go into the underground core extractor.
ACT 3 :
Now bring back the core to Gami.
Now bring back the core to Gami.
ACT 4 :
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