The Sallazt production line / Analysis
By Jagti08
07/08/2009 - 17:07:19
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Win message:
Well Done, the sallazt production line has been destroyed, but don't think that the sallazt will give up that easily!
Well Done, the sallazt production line has been destroyed, but don't think that the sallazt will give up that easily!
Lose message:
You have failed soldier!
You have failed soldier!
ACT 1 :
You have arrived on this strange planet, go and talk to General Jagalix for your briefing.
You have arrived on this strange planet, go and talk to General Jagalix for your briefing.
ACT 2 :
The General has told you to go and rescue the technician, go and talk to general Casalix to get started
The General has told you to go and rescue the technician, go and talk to general Casalix to get started
ACT 3 :
Get back to base and talk to General Jagalix.
Get back to base and talk to General Jagalix.
ACT 4 :
ACT 5 :
Talk to General Jagalix, then move to the RED Teleporter, if you go through any others you will get a nasty shock!
Talk to General Jagalix, then move to the RED Teleporter, if you go through any others you will get a nasty shock!
ACT 6 :
You need to destroy the hex factory, then, blow up all the tanks, then all the ships. There are bombs you can shoot at to do this quickly.
You need to destroy the hex factory, then, blow up all the tanks, then all the ships. There are bombs you can shoot at to do this quickly.
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