hop scotch of doom / Analysis

By lukas999999
07/05/2009 - 18:13:52

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -0.06 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
you should quit now, while still your ahead.
Win message:
wait a seconed that's it! YOU FOUGHT MOSTER OSTRIGES, AND DANCED LIKE YOU'VE NEVER DANCED BEFORE FOR A STUPID SHELL!!! Well Radolon can take that shell and SHOVE IT UP HIS.....the end.
Lose message:
You should a have quit like told you.
ACT 1 :   Insert name here
I could'nt think of a name for this act. so just do the goals!
ACT 2 :    jump jump as fast as you can!
Don't fall into the canyon, trust me!
ACT 3 :   you gatta dance
Clear your mind of everything except fine dancing and breathing!
ACT 4 :   Have fun with this one!
now that your done dancing go kill some ostrige!
ACT 5 :   not so happily ever after.
bring the shell back and see its importence
ACT 6 :   What the Heck!?!?
where did all this come from!?!?!? I f I was you I wold give up, But I'm lazy
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