On the Planet of Hexiom / Analysis

By Fingawing
07/04/2009 - 18:15:59

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: -0.43 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Look who's back! This has probably the most and the least war in it! ^_^ I look forward to seeing you in the next mission.
Win message:
So did you like it? Play my adventures and leave comments and i'll play your adventures too. Bye for now :p
Lose message:
Oh er... how did you manage to lose... was it really that hard? Oh come on, try again!
ACT 1 :   Oh well...
Nice dreams are too short... ah well back to studying the giant Quee... hold on, that's not right. This isn't a giant forest, it's tiny... oh well. Just go back to the Skyscraper and study...
ACT 2 :   Um...
That's not right... I agree with Wints, what's going on!
ACT 3 :   To the Shaman!
Let's go before this gets any weirder...
ACT 4 :   Witchcraft and Wizardry
McCaan used a spell to bring himself up to your height. Now try talking to him.
ACT 5 :   Odd
We haven't killed any plankton yet...
ACT 6 :   ...
...I spoke too soon. Let's mash these plankton!!!
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