Clark and Stanley Swim Again! / Analysis

By EStraight
07/04/2009 - 11:41:22

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.45 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Your Sensors are indicating that Clark and Stanley need your assistanse again. Go see what they are up to.
Win message:
The heat on this plase must have melted their brains, But Its still cruel to dance 10 seconds after 2 guys right next to you burn up.
Lose message:
Gee, the water feels a little wierd.
ACT 1 :   A Nice Heated Pool.
The two are getting ready for a splendid pool party in the best location they could find! But I wouldnt get in the "'water"' if I were you.
ACT 2 :   Odd Water...
That water doesnt look right.
ACT 3 :   Oh Dear!
This isnt even water!
ACT 4 :   Too Late...
They Dived in!
ACT 5 :   Oh No!
Poor Clark and Stanley!
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