Pixel Peril! / Analysis

By SharnaSanveech
07/04/2009 - 01:56:27

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Planet Pix, home of the Pixilians! Pix is a great vacation place, and has some of the most romantic views in the galaxy. Something seems wrong at the moment, however...
Win message:
Yay! You saved the Pixilians and their planet.
Lose message:
The BioViruses spread their nanobots throughout the Pix system. Soon, the entire planet dies, and with it, all the Pixilians... nice going, hot-shot
ACT 1 :   Investigate
Talk to the Gate Guard
ACT 2 :   Explore
Go talk to the Pixilian atop the Welcome station... does something seem wrong to you...?
ACT 3 :   The City
Go talk to the guards a final time.
ACT 4 :   Emperor
Talk to the Pixilian Emperor and see what is going on around here!
ACT 5 :   Motherboard
Save the Pixilian Motherboard from BioVirus forces!
ACT 6 :   Victory!
You defeated the BioVirus forces! Go back to the city to reap the rewards!
ACT 7 :   What?
Save the city once again!
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