spice trouble / Analysis

By 90airplane924
07/02/2009 - 03:14:04

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The situation is desprate. The colonists are preparing to defend themselves against aliens.
Win message:
the colonists are safe. you have destroyed the aliens!
Lose message:
You have failed. all the colonists are dead
ACT 1 :   Briefing
the local colonists have been threatened by their new alien neighbors. speak with Darmoc to learn more
ACT 2 :   Rendezvous
Darmoc advises you to speak with J'lad. He's currently somewhere in the spice fields scouting alien patrols.
ACT 3 :   Sending out a SOS
Reach the deep space antanna and send a distress call signal to the mining company. hopefully, it will agree to send reinforcements.
ACT 4 :   Succsess!
The mining company's ships have arrived and are attacking the aliens. use this destraction to find J'lad and escape!
ACT 5 :   Debriefing
you've found J'lad. Now escort him back to the village and speak with Darmoc to tell him the good news.
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