King Kong vs Godzilla / Analysis

By Clinton_Bigelow
07/01/2009 - 21:33:15
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
ACT 1 : Huh?? I'm in Japan...
Investigate the top of Mount Fuiji...
Investigate the top of Mount Fuiji...
ACT 2 : ... Godzilla??
Find where he went...
Find where he went...
ACT 3 : KKvsG
ACT 4 : What??
On a high from defeating Godzilla, you feal you must destroy something big and shiny...
On a high from defeating Godzilla, you feal you must destroy something big and shiny...
ACT 5 : The End??
Obsurve Godzilla's departure... then move to the pier...
Obsurve Godzilla's departure... then move to the pier...
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