Gork Base Infiltration / Analysis

By Squig606
07/01/2009 - 14:28:38

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are on the S-Team Pondos big transport ship. The Gorks have taked this planet, who first belonged to the small Squigs. Talk to the captain to find out more...
Win message:
Congratulations! The galaxy are now free from those stinking Gorks!
Lose message:
Too bad... better luck next time...
ACT 1 :   Beaming Down
First talk to the captain, then jump down and go to the Big foot stone.
ACT 2 :   Follow the Gorks
Now follow these troops over there, but be careful!
ACT 3 :   Down into the Dryed Crater
Booom! Now they're dead, but you need to enter the base. Let's find the key!
ACT 4 :   Key Quest
They're coming! Sneak thorugh them and take the key!
ACT 5 :   Into the Base
Now you must find a way to get into the base...
ACT 6 :   Destroy Them!
Great job! The shield are gone from the planet, and the Pondo army are on their way. Run out from that building!
ACT 7 :   Hurray!
You made it! You and the Pondos defeated the Gorks!
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