Capture Ki-Jore / Analysis
By Matthewbyers
07/01/2009 - 02:18:36
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Basic info
Win message:
You got the space pirate Ki-Jore! Your employers are going to be happy about that. Think of all the money they are going to pay you.
You got the space pirate Ki-Jore! Your employers are going to be happy about that. Think of all the money they are going to pay you.
Lose message:
The pirate Ki-Jore gets away once more. Can nothing stop him?
The pirate Ki-Jore gets away once more. Can nothing stop him?
ACT 1 : Talk to local officials
Find out what the local authorities know about Ki-Jore
Find out what the local authorities know about Ki-Jore
ACT 2 : Continue investigation
Lets see what the people outside of town know
Lets see what the people outside of town know
ACT 3 : Find Ki-Jore's hideout
Find the pirate's hideout and destroy his UFO so he can't get away. Then return his stolen loot to the proper people.
Find the pirate's hideout and destroy his UFO so he can't get away. Then return his stolen loot to the proper people.
ACT 4 : Talk to King
Now that you know were Ki-Jore's hideout is, perhaps you can get the king to send some men to hunt the pirate down when he returns
Now that you know were Ki-Jore's hideout is, perhaps you can get the king to send some men to hunt the pirate down when he returns
ACT 5 : Ambush
Gather up some of the town guard and wait at the pirate's camp for him to return.
Gather up some of the town guard and wait at the pirate's camp for him to return.
ACT 6 : Ki-Jore returns
When Ki-Jore returns to camp, smack him down good!
When Ki-Jore returns to camp, smack him down good!
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