Capture Ki-Jore / Analysis

By Matthewbyers
07/01/2009 - 02:18:36

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
You got the space pirate Ki-Jore! Your employers are going to be happy about that. Think of all the money they are going to pay you.
Lose message:
The pirate Ki-Jore gets away once more. Can nothing stop him?
ACT 1 :   Talk to local officials
Find out what the local authorities know about Ki-Jore
ACT 2 :   Continue investigation
Lets see what the people outside of town know
ACT 3 :   Find Ki-Jore's hideout
Find the pirate's hideout and destroy his UFO so he can't get away. Then return his stolen loot to the proper people.
ACT 4 :   Talk to King
Now that you know were Ki-Jore's hideout is, perhaps you can get the king to send some men to hunt the pirate down when he returns
ACT 5 :   Ambush
Gather up some of the town guard and wait at the pirate's camp for him to return.
ACT 6 :   Ki-Jore returns
When Ki-Jore returns to camp, smack him down good!
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