The Fellowship of the Ring (pt1) / Analysis

By warcriminal666
06/29/2009 - 23:11:14

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.33 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The 22nd day of sept. in the year 1400, by Shire-reckoning, Bag End, Bagshot row, Hobbiton, West Farthing, the Shire, Middle-earth, the 3rd age of this world. Today is Bilbo's 111th Birthday.
Win message:
"'It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."' - Bilbo Baggins End Part 1
Lose message:
You fool! You have failed the free peoples of Middle-earth. The Dark Lord shall take back his ring of power, and all that was good in the world will fall into shadow.
ACT 1 :   Concerning Hobbits
Hobbits are simple folk, being lovers of earth and all things that grow. They're not counted among the brave or very wise. But they're stout of heart and capable of great deeds when need be.
ACT 2 :   A Long-Expected Party
Bilbo's 111st birthday party is now underway. His parties have a great reputation in the Shire, and all are excited about Gandalfs fireworks. You should speak with Sam before Bilbo's speech.
ACT 3 :   A long-Expected Party
Bilbo has vanished, this left the party guests with quite a shock. He's talked about leaving for some time, but he never seemed to be serious. You should go check Bag End to see if he's gone.
ACT 4 :   The shadow of the Past
The disappearance of Bilbo has become legend in the Shire. Your recent days have been filled with dreams of adventure, and most nights have been spent among friends at The Green Dragon.
ACT 5 :   The Shadow of the Past
After a long absence, Gandalf has returned to Bag End. Further investigation into Bilbo's old ring has hinted at a dark secret that only fire can tell. Put the Ring in the fire as a final test
ACT 6 :   Th Shadow of the Past
The fire has revealed the enscription on the ring. It reads: Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzm-ishi krimpatul.
ACT 7 :   Three is Company
Samwise Gamgee has been caught, by gandalf, eavesdropping outside the window. The small hobbit is shaken with fear by the angry face of the old wizard.
ACT 8 :   Three is Companyaaaaaaa
Frodo and Sam make for a silent slip out of the Shire. With the servants of the enemy close behind, Gandalf has instructed Frodo to abandon the name Baggins and travel by the name Underhill.
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