Doors Forever / Analysis

By fasteryet
06/29/2009 - 21:53:14

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 1.77 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have beamed down to Mr. Puzzel Minded's maze ask him what to do.
Win message:
Amazing you got the treasure and Mr. Puzzel Minded is impressed
Lose message:
Ah to bad, but you can try again
ACT 1 :   What is this?
Talk to Mr. Puzzel Minded and ask about what to do
ACT 2 :   1st clue
Find the 1st clue by following Mr. Puzzel Minded's hints
ACT 3 :   2nd clue
follow the hints from the 1st clue to find the 2nd
ACT 4 :   almost there
follow the 2nd clues directions to get to mr. puzzel minded
ACT 5 :   The Treasure
your up in space! and there's the treasure float over to it but beware you could get sucked in by gravity
ACT 6 :   Mr. Puzzel Minded is impressed
talk to mr. puzzel minded
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