Climb Ma Flag (Polite) / Analysis

By Cosmo_Cosd
06/29/2009 - 15:54:24

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Old Ma Snagglepus is in a bind again. It seems her favorite flag has gone missing. She says she'll treat any space captain that can help her to one of her world famous pies!!
Win message:
Congrats! You returned the flag, and now you get to eat pie!!! :)
Lose message:
All this for a silly little flag??
ACT 1 :   Talk to Snagglepussi
Find out what is up.
ACT 2 :   Ask Ma Permission
Ask ma permission to take little Ba.
ACT 3 :   Cross the Lake
Cross the lake, a colorful character waits to greet you on the other side.
ACT 4 :   Mind the Grubs
Flower Kitty said the old fart was the best way up the mountain. Mind the grubs.
ACT 5 :   Bounce the Moutain
Get up the mountain by using the bounce pads (if necessary)
ACT 6 :   Consult the Springers
Problems are brewing. Consult the Springers for help!
ACT 7 :   Pie the Faeries
Throw the pie at the Faerie Dragons, and then retreive the flag!!
ACT 8 :   Return the Flag!!
Talk to the Springers again. Return the flag to Ma. And claim your pies!!
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