Unknown Planet / Analysis

By zachd94
06/28/2009 - 18:17:05

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Alright, lets get the treasure and get out.....wait....did you hear something? Sounds like screaming. *sigh* Better help out....
Win message:
Well, you got the treasure, defeated Sangre, and got rid of Jahopa...you must feel pretty good.
Lose message:
Just try again...and for the love of God don't downrate. If you get stumped, try inspecting objects or talking to Jahopa.
ACT 1 :   Jahopa's Witness
It sounds like someone is in danger! Go help them before it's too late. GO!
ACT 2 :   The Lake.
Find your way to Jahopa's hut and kill those beasts...Jahopa might be able to help you if you do!
ACT 3 :   A Giant Glutton...
Jahopa is sure to help you find the treasure now! It seems there is an obstruction in your way, however.
ACT 4 :   I can almost taste the treasure!
Jahopa might be on to something, Follow him!
ACT 5 :   The Swarm
Well, Jahopa is a moron. No treasure...just bugs. You might want to get rid of that hive...
ACT 6 :   Aqua Cavern
Maybe it's in here.....
ACT 7 :   The Village
Wait...I see treasure!!! Grab it and get out of here!--
ACT 8 :   Duel for Treasure and Life
Fight Sangre like a man..or whatever you are..kill him and beam yourself out of here. Remember to pick up health. Don't worry about Jahopa. No one cares about him.
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