The Science of Deescarks / Analysis

By Fingawing
06/28/2009 - 17:14:18
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 1.67 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Back for more? As fourth in the series we're going to introduce something new... Epics...
Back for more? As fourth in the series we're going to introduce something new... Epics...
Win message:
Epics are no match for you huh... well it's onto planet 5.
Epics are no match for you huh... well it's onto planet 5.
Lose message:
Arrrrgh! Epic problems? Epic solution. KILL IT FASTER!!!
Arrrrgh! Epic problems? Epic solution. KILL IT FASTER!!!
ACT 1 : Off we go again...
Basic plankton destruction...
Basic plankton destruction...
ACT 2 : The Other Side
Time to use a teleport
Time to use a teleport
ACT 3 : Epic Arena
You can handle a few epics right?
You can handle a few epics right?
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