Vaccum cleaner vs Leaf blower / Analysis
By arajon
06/28/2009 - 15:10:20
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
It's war between the vaccum cleaners and the leaf blowers! You'll fight on the side of the vaccum cleaners. Go and fight on this epic adventure!
It's war between the vaccum cleaners and the leaf blowers! You'll fight on the side of the vaccum cleaners. Go and fight on this epic adventure!
Win message:
Good job! You've beaten up all the leaf blowers and you could escape through the portal.
Good job! You've beaten up all the leaf blowers and you could escape through the portal.
Lose message:
Awww, you failed. C'mon let's try again. Better luck next time ;)
Awww, you failed. C'mon let's try again. Better luck next time ;)
ACT 1 : Beginning
Speak with a vaccum cleaner.
Speak with a vaccum cleaner.
ACT 2 : War
Help the vaccum cleaners, to beat the leaf blowers.
Help the vaccum cleaners, to beat the leaf blowers.
ACT 3 : something I guess
Speak with captain Saugolus
Speak with captain Saugolus
ACT 4 : Find
Find the lost group member.
Find the lost group member.
ACT 5 : Fight
While you have found the spellcaster, a stronger group of leaf blowers destroyed the vaccum cleaner group. Find and destroy the leaf blowers!
While you have found the spellcaster, a stronger group of leaf blowers destroyed the vaccum cleaner group. Find and destroy the leaf blowers!
ACT 6 : Boss
Sprich mit Saugolus. Er wird dir weitere Anweisungen erteilen.
Sprich mit Saugolus. Er wird dir weitere Anweisungen erteilen.
ACT 7 : Hole
Oh no! After you killed the professor, a black hole has opened itself! Go to the captain and speak with him!
Oh no! After you killed the professor, a black hole has opened itself! Go to the captain and speak with him!
ACT 8 : Ending
Find Azolia and bring her the power of the portal spirit.
Find Azolia and bring her the power of the portal spirit.
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