Vaccum cleaner vs Leaf blower / Analysis

By arajon
06/28/2009 - 15:10:20

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
It's war between the vaccum cleaners and the leaf blowers! You'll fight on the side of the vaccum cleaners. Go and fight on this epic adventure!
Win message:
Good job! You've beaten up all the leaf blowers and you could escape through the portal.
Lose message:
Awww, you failed. C'mon let's try again. Better luck next time ;)
ACT 1 :   Beginning
Speak with a vaccum cleaner.
ACT 2 :   War
Help the vaccum cleaners, to beat the leaf blowers.
ACT 3 :   something I guess
Speak with captain Saugolus
ACT 4 :   Find
Find the lost group member.
ACT 5 :   Fight
While you have found the spellcaster, a stronger group of leaf blowers destroyed the vaccum cleaner group. Find and destroy the leaf blowers!
ACT 6 :   Boss
Sprich mit Saugolus. Er wird dir weitere Anweisungen erteilen.
ACT 7 :   Hole
Oh no! After you killed the professor, a black hole has opened itself! Go to the captain and speak with him!
ACT 8 :   Ending
Find Azolia and bring her the power of the portal spirit.
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