In the City of Barteros / Analysis

By Fingawing
06/28/2009 - 10:58:46

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 1.5 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Barteros is th 2nd planet claimed by The Dark Empire... and you're going to take it back!
Win message:
Woohoo! 24 to go >"'_>"' ...
Lose message:
Can you really let a city this dull exsist? Come on, have another stab at it.
ACT 1 :   Off we go again...
Defeat the Mutated Plankton
ACT 2 :   Thwart Phoobis!
Kill Dockmaster Phoobis
ACT 3 :   While you're here...
Grab that gold!
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