Battle of Bunker Mountian / Analysis

By landon1331
06/27/2009 - 21:09:09

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: -0.03 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
We have been ambushed! Defend teh Bunkers at all cost!
Win message:
The plans have been transported to the ice moon of Mobogesqui for the final battle to be fought!
Lose message:
The plans have been destroyed, and the war on the Canoks will be lost! The star system will die under their tyrant rule!
ACT 1 :   Deffend the Bunkers!
You must Deffend the bunkers from the 4 waves of the Canok Empire! If not the location of the Canok's Mega-Turret will be lost, and so will the war! Drive them back behind the mountians!
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