For the captain! / Analysis

By Budgeoid
06/26/2009 - 23:27:46

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been assigned to helping captain reaper do some tasks prepare for further briefing on the planet.
Win message:
Well done you can finally relax
Lose message:
its impossible how did you manage it?
ACT 1 :   Go find the captain
Go and speak to the captain for further orders
ACT 2 :   Delivery
Collect the package and deliver it to shishka for the captain.
ACT 3 :   Talk to Shishka
Listen to what Shishka has to say.
ACT 4 :   Return to the captain
Ask the captain for more tasks.
ACT 5 :   go to Flupper
go find Flupper for the magic milk.
ACT 6 :   Collect the magical milk
Speak to Flupper the mage and collect the captains magical milk.
ACT 7 :   Talk to the captain
Ask the captain for you're last task.
ACT 8 :   examine the monolith
check out that strange rock on the hill for mysteries of the unknown and report back to the captain.
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