Mai-Shee the Bounty Hunter / Analysis

By ChosenCreator
06/25/2009 - 22:25:11

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The police station might just have a job for you. Go into the city to find out!
Win message:
Congratuations. You have made it back alive, and have earned a large chunk of money.
Lose message:
Oh, darn. You died. Well you can always have another go at it.
ACT 1 :   Another day, another bounty
Travel back to the city and stop by the food stand for a quick bite. Then go to the police station and talk to the police chief.
ACT 2 :   All Aboard
Go down to the docks and take your boat to the ship. Make sure you are ready for anything that may happen. Don't forget your pass.
ACT 3 :   A good night sleep.
Go back to your boat. Talk to the police chief. Then go home.
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