Kiwi adventures 2 / Analysis

By Shane00
06/24/2009 - 13:45:59

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
On this planet Kiwi intelegence units have located alien scouts. They plan on allieing with a tribe. This tribe knows many Kiwi base locations. Destroy it and the scouts. Good luck sooldier.
Win message:
Yay! The prisoners are free and the scouts are dead. Lets party.
Lose message:
YOU SUCK!!!!! Stop loseing you loser!
ACT 1 :   Kill the tribe
This tribe threatens your position on this planet. Destroy them!
ACT 2 :   Kill the giant bird

ACT 3 :   Free the prisoners
Kill the gaurds, find the key talk to the albino kiwi, that simple.
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