Planet of the Flaming Sea / Analysis
By Benstokes
06/24/2009 - 05:21:53
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Bum badum badum badum... Long, long into the future, on a planet that's way too hot...
Bum badum badum badum... Long, long into the future, on a planet that's way too hot...
Win message:
You have found another treasure! Good vork! Er... I mean... Good job finding the Sword of Ice. Now that it is in the hands of the townsfolk, they will soon restore their planet.
You have found another treasure! Good vork! Er... I mean... Good job finding the Sword of Ice. Now that it is in the hands of the townsfolk, they will soon restore their planet.
Lose message:
Just as the lava has consumed this planet, so has it consumed you. Have another go?
Just as the lava has consumed this planet, so has it consumed you. Have another go?
ACT 1 : Fire in the Disco
ACT 2 : Helping the Muhatayans
ACT 3 : Ascending the Plateau
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