Perfil de usuario: daankw


Fecha de registro: 05/07/2008 - 16:27:00

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Suscripciones de daankw


Suscritos a daankw



daankw está suscrito a 3 Sporecasts

Por i1bif8
17/09/2008 - 03:01:53

Based on my book. Makes for interesting space stage.

Puntuación: 3
Tags: [confederacy, drop, plane, fi, bomber, fiction, ship, halo, cruiser, space, farieh, random, xeno, sci, prophecy, fayyen, military, tank, maladainian, humanity, scifi, mythian, squadron, banshee, terran, terris, boat, dropship, mythians, apocalypse, science, fighter, allies, battlestar]

11 Suscripciones
67 Creaciones archivadas

Por Pentadact
17/09/2008 - 13:16:54

Back from the dead. Thanks for fixing it, Maxis.

Puntuación: 2705

37505 Suscripciones
803 Creaciones archivadas

Por FlyingDutchman
16/09/2008 - 20:41:08

This Sporecast contains the Ukos race including all their buildings and vehicles.

Puntuación: 1

4 Suscripciones
11 Creaciones archivadas

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