Semi Truck Trailer
¡Muy bueno!

Por Derezzed
11/05/2024 - 11:51:08
Tipo: Vehículo colonial terrestre
Puntuación: 22.5 (¡Muy bueno!)
Tags: gaprop
Part of an adventure-optimized vehicle set designed specifically to be used as props in adventures. They are built on a small scale in the editor, allowing a single prop to be turned into a parked vehicle row when appropriate.
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Por T_B_II
Re continued: I've practically given up trying to foster interaction via comments due to sheer hesitance from other parties. So long story short, I very much appreciate your comments. xD
Por T_B_II
Re: Thank you for those wonderful comments! Though I wonder if the societal shifts over the last ten years have completely changed typical interaction behaviours in Spore.
Por TheShipBuilder
Mang, as a guy who fixes semi trailers IRL for a job, this strikes too close to home. Great work!
Por manuprietocruz95
So Amazing that you're still creating stuff!! keep it up Derezzed!!
Thanks for the comment on the "The Snouter".
Wow this truck is so great.
Por Derezzed
@T_B_II: You could, although they are scaled down very small in-game, which is why they're tagged as gaprops. That and some of the yet unreleased vehicles in this set will only work as props.
Por T_B_II
Superb form, and very clever part use.
Por T_B_II
Not only is it a gaprop, but I could see this being great in game as well (so long as you ignore it stopping at spice deposits.) Good to see this finally uploaded.
Por BaronJoshua
Great to see you back on Spore :D
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