Por Chimeratech
31/05/2021 - 15:27:46
Tipo: Vehículo religioso aéreo
Puntuación: 2.42 (Bueno)
Tags: airplane, chimeratech, corporate, corporation, drone, gunship, jetfighter, mech, megacorporation, robot, set:veilcorp, veilcorp, veilcorp corporation
The R-710 ?Gýpas? is a Strike Aircraft VTOL Mech developed and manufactured by Veilcorp Corporation for their own armed forces. It is both a multipurpose jetfighter and aerial security drone designed to escort the corporation?s important assets / units (corporate jetliners, heavy bombers/gunships/cargoes, ground convoys etc.) without risking human life as the R-710 Gýpas is completely unmanned and remotely operated. The fact that it is a drone also makes it easier to be defeated by actual experienced human pilots, especially by the elite squadrons of Blackbell Corporation?s air force. This model is used by four out of five armed force departments of Veilcorp: their army, navy, air force, and urban security force, excluding their space force.

You Mr "Chimeratech" are invited to join in the Tri-Laser-Tops-Contest;download creation with the same name and the Creation of just Tri-Laser-Tops without the creation word in it for more details. Everyone else that reads this notice is are also invited
Por MonkeyDigs
Thanks :D
Por Chimeratech
thanks @SpritiofZeal a @Monkeydigs!
Por MonkeyDigs
amazing r
Por SpiritOfZeal
Por Chimeratech
*added intakes, extra engines for VTOL, and lore description...