~Epic Gift from RandomguyfromDK~
No puntuado


Por 42ndDevistation
21/07/2016 - 23:54:39

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Tags: gaprop, gift from randomguyfromdk to 42nddevistation


After many, MANY completely random RP's, i knew exactly what to give you: A golden dubstep gun. Use with care ;)

Thanks for being an awesome friend. *brofists back*

Holy...I...I can't even...THIS IS FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!! ODO


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Por Vupis92

I highly doubt this... but have you even tried spilanthes?

Por Vupis92


Por Vupis92

(I meant my btw) Mt.Laptop! To biggest laptop to EVER exist!

Por Vupis92

*Throws lemon slice at mt laptop* It won't work....

Por Vupis92

Eating candied lemon sliced ^-^ They are amazing

Por Vupis92

Haha xD

Por Vupis92

I will do it as soon as i open spore next time

Por Vupis92

Ah, i'll do it later. I don't feel like building

Por Vupis92

Haha xD ok

Por Vupis92

Now what... i would make another boss from terraria, but i think it would be impossible xD

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