Steel Trophy for midnight1999
No puntuado

Por 42ndDevistation
12/07/2015 - 14:28:23
Tipo: Edificio de ocio
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Tags: 42nddevistation, check their username and page out!, congrats to: midnight1999, harcore metal, steel trophy, you *bleep*ing win!!!!
Me: Firstly, coming in fourth place for her purely epic and equally badass creation KDC_Ilfol, I would like to welcome to the glory stage of badassitude midnight1999 for her badass skills in the creators! Come to the stage and claim your prize!
Contáctanos en

Por midnight1999
XD Thanks man.
Por 42ndDevistation
Congrats midnight1999 for showing off your purely epic contest entry KDC_Ilfol to mine and Ari's contest! To those of you reading this, give her some thoughtful support and go check out her SporePage! There's just enough badass in it for you to die from!